Hardware Installation

The installation of the Particle Vibration hardware in MSG was completed without issues by the astronaut Frank Rubio on 3rd Feb 2023! Watch the videos below (Courtesy of NASA and ESA).

Frank Rubio installing the PARTICLE VIBRATION hardware in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (3 Feb 2023)

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) Baseplate installation

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) Image Processing Unit installation

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) Image Processing Unit installation

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) First Optical Module (Interferometer) installation

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) Shaker installation

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) Second Optical Module (Interferometer) installation

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) Cell Array (containing fluid and particles for the experiments) installation

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) installation finalization

SODI (PARTICLE VIBRATION) installation finalization

After the hardware installation, more than 160 different experiments were executed over a period of three months (February-April 2023).

Visit the results page for additional information.